X-Ray and MRI Center

Diagnostic Radiology Center (Medical imaging)

General X-ray

 General radiologic X-ray services are available 24 hours a day.


MRI Center

Our subspecialist radiologists are highly experienced at reading the results of the MRI, producing

accurate interpretation leading to effective medical treatments for the patient. Scans can be

 done with the patient under general anesthesia. The MRI machine  includes a large tunnel for

patient comfort and boasts a 1.5 Tesla strength magnet.


Computerized Tomography (CT scan)

Using CT scan our expert radiologists and technicians can diagnose abnormalities throughout the 

 brain, body (neck, thyroid, kidney system, abdomen, chest, spine, pelvis, extremities and other bone

and joint parts). We can also perform the computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the brain,

heart arteries or other organ's blood vessels.

Our 192 slices machine accomplishes all of these scans rapidly, minimizing patient 's exposure

to radiation while in a large tunnel for comfort.

Digital mammogram

With less radiation exposure and minimal pain we can produce digital mammograms quickly,

that provide accurate detection of the earliest and smallest abnormality of the breasts.

Ultrasonography (Ultrasound)

Our ultrasound technology can detect abnormalities of the breast, abdomen, neck and other

organ lesions and can provide ultrasound guided biopsy for pathology testing by our experienced 

radiologist. Available 24 hours.


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